Reading Along with Litera-TEA

What a wonderful response to week two's blog-a-thon theme. I'm enjoying the posts so much. It's fun to learn about new books, quotes, and writing traditions. I haven't made it through everyone's posts yet --- but I'm working my way through them and will visit everyone and comment by the end of the week-end. I hope everyone is enjoying the blog-a-thon posts as much as I am! What fun!

PS: I read everyone's posts for this week and enjoyed it so much! My book list has increased with all your great suggestions! Thank you for the verses, book referrals, and other literature related tea talk. And thank you, Kat, for the idea about creating "Tea Moons" on paper! I love that idea and will be starting my "Tea Moon Journal" soon!
Thank you for visiting Gracious Hospitality. Please come back soon!

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