Tea Veterans — Nigel Melican

Camellia Sinensis plant (the tea bush) and to processing it for a variety of tastes. Someone who contributes daily to the enjoyment of tea by people the world over. Another unsung hero, a veteran in the world of tea: Nigel Melican.

Read the rest of the article on The Taste of English Tea Blog.

There are those who say they trust every word Melican says 100%. When it comes to the chemistry of tea, I’ll go 99%. Regarding his stance on economic issues like Fair Trade, I would feel more comfortable if he had a degree in Von Mise-ian economics hanging next to his degree from the University of Leicester. He may see labor situations first hand but not have the knowledge to interpret them. Sort of like the blind men and the elephant, each thinking the whole animal looked like the part they were feeling (trunk=snake, side=wall, etc.).

Taken from http://teatimewithaccargill.blogspot.com/

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