"How to do tips" for Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony style can be used for Tea Appreciation Day
Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony is a simple way to brew, serve, and drink tea, it can be done together or alone. Make tea more than just a drink, make it an event t enrich life.

What is needed:

  1. hot water in a thermos four times larger than your cover bowl or teapot

  2. teapot or cover bowl

  3. tea pitcher

  4. four teacups

  5. tea tray

  6. cloth wraps for tea ware and basket, backpack, or bag

  7. watch or timer for brewing

  8. small cloth

  9. mat or stool or cushion

  10. tarp, cloth, or towel to setup on


This is a simple tea setting. A teapot, tea pitcher, thermos, the brewing mat is a green striped washcloth, the large setting mat is a white bath towel, the tea tray is a kitchen plate. a the tea cloth in the middle between the pot and pitcher is a white paper towel.



A time keeper is good because we will brew 4 times, and using a small pot changes in brewing time can affect the taste, notice the watch.

Next picture, sitting in the ready position.

a very dark pic of the ready position.


The basic rules are simple; but occasionally subject to change:

We will make tea four times and we will make four servings each time.

*1st brew, we pour into four cups and go serve to the adjacent three neighbors on the left (the last cup we reserve and enjoy our self), we will receive three cups of tea served from the adjacent three neighbors on the right.

*2nd brew we pour into four spectator cups and this time serve four spectator and return and fill our own cup if any tea is left.

*3rd brew we take the tea pitcher and go serve the same three tea brewers on the left with the tea pitcher.

*4th and last brew we take the tea pitcher and serve any four spectators that do not have tea.

The special way of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony and its Seven Principles 無我茶會特殊做法及其七大精神

  • 1. Seating arrangement is chosen randomly. --- No priority to seats, no matter of social status. 座位由抽籤決定──無尊卑之分

  • 2. Serving tea in the same direction. --- No reward is expected. 依同一方向奉茶──無報償之心

  • 3. Accept and appreciate different teas. --- No bias. 接納、欣賞各種茶──無好惡之心

  • 4. Brew the best you can. --- Concentrate and improve. 努力把茶泡好──求精進之心

  • 5. No director. --- Everyone follows the public announcement. 無須指揮與司儀──遵守公共約定

  • 6. Remain silent during brewing. --- To cooperate and appear in group rhythm and harmony. 泡茶席間不語──培養默契,體現團體律動之美

  • 7. Not confined to any tea brewing manner. --- No distinction of school or region. 泡茶方式不拘──無流派與地域之分

The Concept of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

“Wu-Wo” is a style of Tea Ceremony. “Wu”, and “Wo”, are actually Chinese words with philosophical meaning. When we use the word “wu” (無), it means; a void or absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine therefore it is like an infinite space. When we use the word “wo” (我), it means mine, self or being. When we put these two words together they almost seem like a contradiction in terms, the word “wo”, seems like being and the word “wu”, seems like not being. But we must reach and look deeper into the meanings of both words. “Wu-Wo” (無我), means; to empty the mind like an endless void and it is without anything to sense; it is just “being” with no physical or mental attachments. For example, we should forget about our: knowledge, wealth, appearance, and etc. So there is group equality without prejudice. This is our concept of “Wu-Wo”. And this is shown in the “Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony”.



The Symbol of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

A circular rainbow is the symbol for the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony. Why does the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony’s flag have the colors of the rainbow? A rainbow is made of seven basic colors and when combined together become blank white light. The Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony pursues the “circular rainbow” and goes towards the blank light or empty circle in the rainbow 's center. The blended white light or empty circle of the flag’s rainbow can be thought of as “wu”. The Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony follows this concept, for example, people have: knowledge, wealth, appearance, etc, and tries to forget these things, and transcend.

The History of Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony began in Taiwan. Grand Master Tsai, Rong Tsang is the director of “Lu-Yu Tea Art Center” and the founder of the “Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony”; he has been an active part in the growth of this once small group from Taiwan (almost twenty years ago) to now an International Organization.

Public Announcement:

The below is an example of the public announcement and can be used for Tea Appreciaion Day also 世界奉茶日

第二屆彩霞之春無我茶會Second Rosy Spring Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony (pub)無我茶會公告事項


Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony Public Announcement

茶會名稱Particular Name of the Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

第二屆彩霞之春無我茶會Second Rosy Spring Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

時間 Date and Time

2011年03月09日(星期三) 晚上6:45~8:00pm, In the evening Mar. 9, 2011 (Wed)

地點 Location

陸羽茶藝中心教室Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute Classroom

人數 Participants

12人 / People


Kinds Of Tea

不拘 Not Confined

泡幾杯Number Of Teacups

4杯 / Cups


Number Of Rounds

4道 / Rounds


Serving Style

第一、三道奉給左鄰三位茶友及自己 ,第二、四道持紙杯 ,茶盅奉給圍觀者

Serve Tea Neighbors and Oneself: First & Third Brew.

Serve Spectators: Second Brew Use Disposable Cups & Fourth Brew Use Tea Pitcher.


Post Tea Drinking Activity

合唱 / Chorus


Post Tea Ceremony Activity


Ending Group Photo

茶會程序 Ceremony Schedule

工作分配 Task Distribution



Task Members Begin Arranging The Site


Hosting Sponsor



Lu-Yu Tea Studies Specialized English for Tea


與會人員開始報到 , 入席

Participants Begin Check In And Then Find Seats


Steven R. Jones



Tea Ware Friendship Time

場地組Site Arrangement Team

李勝茗 , 蕭媄文


開始泡茶Begin Brewing


Check-in Team

高玉喬 , 曾慧琦

喝完最後一道茶 After Drinking Last Brew

品茗後活動 , 開始 Begin Post Tea Drinking Activity

品茗後活動Post Tea Drinking Activity

合唱 / Chorus



收拾茶具Collect Cups


蔡昕妤 , 盧起萱


會後合影  Ending Group Photo

記錄組Recording team

Chang Li-Hsiang





聯繫電話Contact Tel



Taken from http://teaarts.blogspot.com/

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