Four Seasons Mengjian Winter Tea

Tea: Four Seasons Mengjian Winter Tea - 6339
Vendor: Lupicia USA
Source: Nantou, Taiwan

Leaf: The leaf for this tea consisted of rather small leaf balls. They had a characteristic light green oolong aroma to them.
1st Infusion Parameters: 5g, 5oz, 208F, 5s rinse, 45s infusion

1st Infusion: The first infusion greeted me with a light crisp green oolong aroma. It almost reminded me of a menthol aroma, but not in a bad way. It was the crispness associated with it. The flavor was very smooth and ended with an almost fruity aftertaste. The initial onset of the flavor was very light and snappy, somewhat characteristic I'm finding of a green oolong.

2nd Infusion Parameters: 45s, 208F

2nd Infusion: This infusion was yellower in color and had an aroma more akin to a TKY. The flavor was light, and it didn't seem as much like a green oolong. The flavor was very long lasting, but something started to give me a headache while drinking this tea.

3rd Infusion Parameters: 1:30, 208F

3rd Infusion: This time the aroma was very light and the flavor had lightened up even more. This oolong didn't really hold up to more infusions very well. The headache continued with this infusion.

Rating: 3/10

Conclusion: I'm not sure what it is about this tea, but it reminded me very much of a TKY. Probably the headaches that it generated. The first infusion was quite good, but past that it started look a bit worse. The flavor is quite characteristic green oolong, and enjoyable on the first infusion.

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