增訂版包括 [ 中英文茶學術語索引 ]
預訂出版時間:2010年2月 (2010年) 繁體中文版
ISBN 978-957-9690-06-5luyutea1980http://www.luyutea1980.com/T5004ShowCmdyData?&y_SketchName=Sketch1-2_Hi178&y_KindId=971049&y_HrefId=155247&y_CompId=215&y_MuId
電話 02-2331-6636 分機211
傳真 02-2389-7786
Title: Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology
Updated edition including Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology Index2010(Traditional Chinese Version)
Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute Publications Department
Translators and Editors: Tsai, Rong-Tsang and Steven R. Jones,
ISBN 978-957-9690-06-5Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute
3F, #64, Heng-Yang Rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan, 10003
Tel: +886-2-2331-6636
FAX: +886-2-2331-0660
E-mail: luyutea@ms59.hinet.net
目錄Table of Contents序 Preface
第一章 茶樹裁培、采青、初制
Chapter One Tea Cultivation, Tea Harvesting, and Tea Primary Processing
第二章 茶葉精製、加工、包裝
Chapter Two Tea Refining, Added Processing, and Packaging
第三章 茶之分類與識別
Chapter Three Classification and Recognition of Tea
第四章 泡茶原理
Chapter Four Tea Brewing Principles
第五章 十大泡茶法
Chapter Five The Ten Tea Methods
第六章 陶瓷藝術
Chapter Six Ceramics
第七章 茶具名稱與功能
Chapter Seven Kinds of Tea Ware and Functionality
第八章 茶會
Chapter Eight Tea Functions
第九章 中國茶史
Chapter Nine Chinese Tea History
第十章 日韓英茶文化
Chapter Ten Japanese, Korean, and British Tea Culture
第十一章 茶詩與健康
Chapter Eleven Tea Poetry and Health
第十二章 茶學綜論
Chapter Twelve Tea Studies Review
中英文茶學術語索引Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology Index= = =
Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology
蔡榮章 ‧ 瓊斯史迪芬 編譯
Tsai, Rong-Tsang and Steven R. Jones, Translators and Editors
Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute Publications Department
ISBN 978-957-9690-06-5(序文)
序 Preface:
A culture or a branch of study in a country or region with different languages spreading, must first translate the discipline-specific terminology properly, otherwise, the schools or the propagation at the time of delivery can not be properly expressed.
The international spread of tea studies is confronted with this problem, with tea cultivation, and manufacturing aspects are fair; but with tea brewing, tea savoring and tea ceremony, concepts and ideology are quite deficient.
To correctly translate the tea studies terminology, the translator must have the fundamental qualities of tea studies knowledge, and also be very accurate.
所幸臺北陸羽茶藝中心在三十年的茶道教室裏,有了一位Mr. Steven R. Jones 能夠有將近十年的時間學習各種課程,而且說得一口尚稱流利的華語。
Fortunately, the Taipei Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute has three decades of tea classroom teaching, with Mr. Steven R. Jones having nearly a decade of time spent on learning a variety of courses, and can speak with some fluency in Mandarin.
於是從2005年初起,每週四下午, Steven 與我共同從事這項工作,我將先行挑出的術語之意義充分地讓他瞭解,然後由他選出適當的譯辭,經雙方討論後定案。
So from early 2005 and onwards, every Thursday afternoon, Steven and I would undertake this work together, I would first select terms with their full meanings to allow him to understand, then he would select the appropriate translations, then after mutual discussion we would reach a conclusion.
After translating one or half a section of terminology, then published every month in the "Tea Culture Monthly" circulated, and await responses and comments.
By 2007, "Tenfu Tea College" was founded in Fujian, where the "Department of Tea Culture" began to offer a one-semester two-credit "Specialized English for Tea Culture " course, which produced a need for teaching materials and teachers, so at full speed to finish the last part of the terminology translations, Steven also came in handy to teach.
With still part not complete and needing to continue for completion, again at the college "University English" teacher Cai, Xiaoxiao (Cynthia) was found, and asked for her to help collate.
By early 2010, this book "Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology" finally was completed, and published by Taipei Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute, Publishing Department.
Steven 在家裏從事翻譯的準備工作時,他的臺灣夫人張麗香幫他找字典、補充中文及茶學方面的資訊。
Steven at home engaged in preparations for the translation, his wife Chang, Li-Hsiang is Taiwanese and helped him find a dictionary, to supplement the Chinese and tea science information aspects.
When he is at the tea college and having the small class for training curriculum , Ms. Chang is still present and brewing tea for the students to drink, and also as a topic for conversation in English.
The couple at the Lu-Yu Tea Culture Institute both have obtained their "Tea Master Certifications".
This book "Chinese-English Tea Studies Terminology" is just the first complete beginning step for tea studies application part, yet there is a need to continue to complete.
Please bring to attention any needed corrections or provide any advice.
Tsai, Rong-Tsang
Department of Tea Culture, Tenfu Tea College, January 1, 2010
Taken from http://teaarts.blogspot.com/