A bouquet garni or "garnished bouquet" is an assortemnt of herbs, such as bay leaves, thyme, parsely, bundled together and used to give aroma and taste to a marinade, soup, or sauce.
To make one, tie together with some cooking thread 2 bayleaves, 1 branch of thyme, and 1 branch of parsely, and add them to your marinade, soup, or sauce.
Remove at the end of the cooking time.
These are the "classic" ingredients, but I am sure many of you have your own ideas on how to make one!
Does it REALLY add something to the flavor of your dish?
Do this experiment (I did it!). Boil in a small pan some water and add a bay leave and taste ... boil more water and add a thyme branch .... start again and this time add fresh parsely ...
Are you not convinced now? I was .. so now I NEVER forget my bouquet garni!
You can try to learn toidentify what type of flavor an herb adds to your dish by boiling different herbs separetly and tasting the infusion: fennel branches, thyme, sage, mint .. and more!
Are you not convinced now? I was .. so now I NEVER forget my bouquet garni!
You can try to learn toidentify what type of flavor an herb adds to your dish by boiling different herbs separetly and tasting the infusion: fennel branches, thyme, sage, mint .. and more!
Bon appetit!
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